Meeting Planners - Conference Discussion Partners
We know finding the right partner for your simultaneous interpretation and conference discussion applications can be crucial. Whenever sound signals and multiple languages are involved, having autonomy over the event's communication is important to the meeting's overall success. When you choose ProLingo, you can rent or buy* the equipment and we can provide the interpreting services and support. That way, you can focus on what you do best.
Our translation coordinator will make certain your event interpreters are well versed at accurately interpreting the subject matter being discussed for each specific language. That ensures the event message will be delivered with the right semantic and cultural meaning.
Ready to get started? Get a quick quote on simultaneous interpretation services, multilingual sound booths, group discussion microphones and various types of portable receivers and assistive listening devices.
*ProLingo has competitive pricing on simultaneous interpretation equipment to support meeting planners working stateside or internationally.
S. Caprani
I am writing today to compliment the exceptional customer service shown by your team members. Our organization recently hosted a group of high profile religious leaders from North, Central and south America for which English to Spanish translation was a necessity. My entire staff and I were impressed by the quality of ProLingo's equipment, pricing and most importantly their employees. I am looking forward to working with ProLingo again in the future and will gladly recommend your services to others.
- S. Caprani, Episcopal Church of Central Florida