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ProLingo prefers this Listentech LT-800 Stationary Transmitter in the 72MHz frequency range.
Great signal quality with 57 channels, up to five may be used in the same room, and use up to five Listen LT800 units can be used in the same area (if needed for simultaneous interpretation)
The LT-800 is our preferred choice because it has proven it’s reliability in thousands of events, and provides technicians with tools such as multiple audio inputs, input level control, and dual VU meters. Mix level control allows to level the mixed audio, and a VU meter shows the output level of the audio.
Technician comment: Ease of use and the multiple features ensure full control of the broadcast, regardless of input source, covering large arenas with the manufacturer supplied rubber duckie antenna. Easy to install, headache free to operate. The right choice of equipment for any event up to 5 channels.
Disclaimer: FCC rules limit use of this equipment to auditory assistance for the handicapped. Accordingly, the unit cannot be advertised as “simultaneous interpretation equipment”. However, auditory assistance may be required in various languages. An internal FCC review is reported to be in progress, clearing the LT 800 for simultaneous interpretation, along with all other transmitters in the 72MHz range.
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