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How Accurate Are AI Translations?

February 24, 2023

In an increasingly globalized world, people need to be able to communicate with others no matter what language they speak. Natural language translation has long been seen as one of the most effective ways to bridge communications gaps between international customers and partners.

Recently artificial intelligence (AI) translations have become increasingly widespread in both consumer areas like messaging apps and internally within businesses. But, how accurate are AI language translations really?

No matter how powerful our technologies become, machines still aren't able to fully translate languages in the same nuanced way as human translators. In this blog post we'll explore the implications that using AI for natural language translation can have on businesses, looking at recent developments, accuracy rates compared to professional translators and the inherent challenges faced by AI in this field.

Machine translation is a complex challenge...

Artificial intelligence translations offer speed and convenience, but they're far from perfect when it comes to understanding culture or the context of a phrase. This can lead to misconstrued idioms and metaphors when businesses are depending on machines for accurate translation in foreign markets. Machine translation is difficult because there's no one-size-fits all approach.

People use many different ways to express the same thing, they innovate with their expressions and they use odd metaphors to describe things, which requires complex algorithms that take into account multiple meanings of words, sentence structure variances, grammar inconsistencies and other linguistic issues that add up to make accurate machine translations an elusive goal.

Challenges Using Artificial Intelligence for Translations

For starters, AI does not fully understand questions requiring inference or nuanced meanings when multiple languages are being used. Common problems with relying on machine translations can include:

Quality Issues – One of the main challenges with machine translation is its inability to comprehend cultural nuances or contextual content that can be an integral part of effective communication.

Lack of Collaborative Feel – Translations often sound oddly robotic and disconnected from the intended audience, which is definitely worth considering in any multilingual strategy.

No Cultural Sensitivity – AI struggles when tackling new concepts that go beyond basic terminology. So, cultural effectiveness of machine translations will vary based on the language or dialect.

Requires Strict Editing – Although professional translators may use machine translations at times, the effectiveness of applying AI requires strict editing to modify expressions and correct errors.

Trouble with Concepts – AI algorithms do not have an in-depth understanding across multiple business concepts or brand strategies, which can limit the accuracy and effectiveness of translations.

Consequently, what comes from machine interpretations often lacks flow and may fail to properly reflect local culture, which requires much more than just swapping linguistic strings between multiple languages.

Human Interpreters Provide Better Translations

Despite great advancements in the field of artificial intelligence, true self-awareness is something that machines have yet to possess. This means when it comes to translation tasks, a reliable outcome can only be expected from humans who are capable of imbuing their translations with not just reason but also emotion and observation. Machines simply don't measure up here and produce results which cannot always be trusted or comprehended by people; thus making human translators superior in terms of accuracy and nuance.

Human translators can have a deeper understanding of the nuanced grammar structures that come with each individual language. This means they can translate not just word-for-word, but also by capturing context and appropriate tenses to convey meaning more accurately. Interpreters provide personalized translations and understand how people vary their expressions uniquely depending on a broad range of cultural influences as well as being creative with phrases through witty idioms or charming metaphors that machines would never comprehend.


Unless you’ve been living off the grid, you likely have heard the hype about Chat GPT. Millions of online users have already tried the latest entry into the public use of artificial intelligence. If you haven’t tried it, it is free and a lot of fun. However, if your brand depends upon accurate translations and interpretations, contact the humans at ProLingo at 800-287-9755 to discuss your business needs.

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I am writing today to compliment the exceptional customer service shown by your team members. Our organization recently hosted a group of high profile religious leaders from North, Central and south America for which English to Spanish translation was a necessity. My entire staff and I were impressed by the quality of ProLingo's equipment, pricing and most importantly their employees. I am looking forward to working with ProLingo again in the future and will gladly recommend your services to others.
- S. Caprani, Episcopal Church of Central Florida

5 / 5 stars

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